Interacting with Smart Contracts
For interacting with our contracts we first recomend to go to the following sections:
Read Contracts overview section
Read Deploying Smart Contracts (if you are setting up your own contracts).
To interact with our smart contracts, we will use Arch3js which is a JavaScript library that makes it easy for developers to build web applications and tools that interact with the Archway network. It acts as a drop-in replacement for the CosmJS client library, extending its functionality and allowing for easier interaction with Archway's reward and fee sub-systems.
To delve deeper into the internal mechanics of arch3.js, refer to the API documentation available at
To install arch3.js, you have the option of using either npm or yarn:
npm install --save @archwayhq/arch3.js
yarn add @archwayhq/arch3.js
Below is simple example on querying Nomos multisig to get members of multisig:
Below is simple example on execute vote transaction to Nomos multisig:
Nomos JSON Schema
To find reference on what interactions we can have with the contract, we can see the json schema in contract folder, in that example we can find how the json structure should be for instantiate message, execute message, query, and contract response.
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