Archway Nomos Client

Our implementation of the ArchwayClient

ArchwayClient is the archway main provider without signer. It extends the cosmos client and read information that only archway has, such as fees, rewards, metadata, etc.

We implemented our version of the Archway client so that any read action in third party apps is forwarded and handled by our application.


We implement the same functions as the Archway Query client since it has the same functions as the archway client.

export declare class NomosArchwayClient extends NomosClient implements IArchwayQueryClient {
    readonly communicator: Communicator;
    protected constructor(tmClient: TendermintClient | undefined);
    static connect(endpoint: string | HttpEndpoint): Promise<NomosArchwayClient>;
    static connectWithBatchClient(endpoint: string | HttpEndpoint, options?: Partial<HttpBatchClientOptions>): Promise<NomosArchwayClient>;
    static create(tmClient: TendermintClient): Promise<NomosArchwayClient>;
    static createSync(tmClient: TendermintClient): NomosArchwayClient;
    getBlockRewardsTracking(): Promise<BlockTracking>;
    getContractMetadata(contract: string): Promise<ContractMetadata | undefined>;
    getContractPremium(contract: string): Promise<ContractPremium>;
    getEstimateTxFees(gasLimit?: number, contractAddress?: string): Promise<EstimateTxFees>;
    getOutstandingRewards(rewardsAddress: string): Promise<OutstandingRewards>;
    getRewardsPool(): Promise<RewardsPool>;
    getAllRewardsRecords(rewardsAddress: string): Promise<readonly RewardsRecord[]>;

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