Setting Up Your Environment

Before you dive into developing and interacting with CosmWasm contracts within the Nomos monorepo, follow these steps to set up your development environment.


Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your machine:

  • Rust: Ensure that you have rust installed. You can install it from its main website.

  • Git: If Git is not installed, you can download it from

  • Archway CLI: Follow these steps to make the installation

Installation Steps

Follow these steps to set up your environment for CosmWasm contract development:

  1. Clone the Monorepo:

    Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to store the monorepo:

    git clone nomos
    cd nomos
  2. Install Dependencies:

    Move to the contracts folder inside the monorepo. Youll see two folders called factory and multisig.

    cd contracts && ls

    Install the required dependencies by running:

    cd <factory | multisig> 

    then run this to download the packages and compile:

    cargo build
  3. Configure Archway CLI:

    Follow the steps specified on the archway documentation to create a wallet and fund it on their faucet.

  4. Compile Contracts:

    From the folder you are working on compile the contracts

    archway build --optimize
  5. Test Contracts:

    Ensure that the contracts are working as expected by running tests:

    cargo test

By following these steps, you'll have your environment set up to work with the Nomos contracts, enabling you to develop and interact with CosmWasm contracts efficiently.

Last updated