The Super Account is built upon the CW3 Flex specification from CosmWasm, incorporating a robust set of features while introducing additional functionalities tailored to the Cosmos ecosystem. Here's an overview of the features provided by the Super Accounts:
CW3 Flex Features
The core functionalities derived from the CW3 Flex specification include:
Multisig Operations: Support for multiple signatories to manage assets and permissions collectively.
Proposal System: Members can create proposals for any action that the Super Account can perform, which are then subject to voting.
Voting System: Flexible voting mechanisms allowing for different governance models. Votes can be weighted, and quorums are customizable.
Member list: Member list can be set statically or defined programmatically by modifying the membership contract. They can be the holders of certain token/nft or addresses that fill certain conditions.
The architecture of the Super Accounts emphasizes modularity, allowing different components to be swapped or upgraded without disrupting the overall system. This design principle enables:
Customizable Governance: Adapt the voting and proposal mechanisms to fit the governance model of your organization or community.
Upgradeability: Components can be individually upgraded or replaced to introduce new features or address emerging needs.
Interoperability: Modules were designed to send messages as generic as possible, no matter the blockchain used.
Interchain Accounts (ICAs)
Interchain Accounts offer a powerful feature, enabling accounts on one blockchain to operate on other chains. This capability is crucial for:
Cross-chain Operations: Execute transactions or interact with contracts on different chains seamlessly. You can still spend gas only on the source chain without leaving it and use liquidity on other chains.
App Integration: Participate in apps across other blockchains seamlessly with the ICA accounts. Your account now will be able to swap tokens on osmosis from any other chain.
Signed Voting (Meta Transactions)
Signed voting introduces an different approach to voting on proposals:
Off-chain Voting: Participants can sign their votes off-chain, reducing transaction costs and enhancing privacy.
Batch Execution: Collect multiple votes and execute them in a single transaction, optimizing gas usage and streamlining the voting process. Only the last sender spends gas.
Sub Super Accounts
This can be achieved in different ways. One way is using another account as member with a high weight on voting. Another way is setting the execution of proposals field as another account, this enables certain addresses to be the only ones that can approve (Execute) a proposal. Learn more about the Super Account settings here.
Hierarchical Management: Create nested shared account structures, allowing for sophisticated governance models and delegation of responsibilities.
Enhanced Organizational Flexibility: Ideal for complex organizations or projects with multiple departments or teams.
More Coming...
Our development team is continuously working to introduce new features and enhancements, driven by community feedback and the evolving needs of the Cosmos ecosystem.
Stay tuned for more updates and feature releases as we expand the capabilities of the Super Accounts, ensuring it remains at the forefront of account technology within the Cosmos network.
Last updated