Create Proposal
Creating Proposal
On creating proposal, client need to direct the execution call to "Vote contract" as the target contract address.
Proposal Payload
The proposal payload will have "propose" as Json key and the json child will have 4 keys which are:
title (required)
description (required)
msgs (required): array of CosmosMsg json object
latest <optional>: to set expiration
The CosmosMsg that client should pass as message is the json representation of WasmMsg::Execute. The reason is we need to forward call/exeuction to other contract which is instance of cw-ica-controller contract that will forward the call to be executed by ICA address in the target chain.
The WasmMsg::Execute json payload above will be executed by controllerAddress and the message inside it should have "send_cosmos_msgs" json key like below:
The content of messages array should be Stargate message that always have two json keys which are:
A Stargate message encoded the same way as a protobuf Any. This is the same structure as messages in TxBody
from ADR-020
Last updated